Overview of Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation refers to treatments intended to facilitate a patient’s physical, sensory and mental abilities to recover from injury, sickness or disease to a previous usual state of health as possible. The treatment modalities aim to restore function lost due to their infirmity. Rehabilitation treats may types of disabled conditions such as amputations, arthritis, neurological deficits, orthopedic conditions, spinal cord injuries, stroke and traumatic brain damage, to name a few. The Institute of Medicine reports that as many as 14% of American may be disabled at any given time and could benefit from Rehabilitation. Types of Rehabilitation Services

Rehabilitation focuses on using the services of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, dietary therapy, and psychological counseling. A patient’s treatment plan may involve just one service or multiple services depending upon the needs of the individual. Consequently, the type of therapy and goals of therapy vary for different patients and therapy plans are devised specific to each individual.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy assists the patient to reestablish the use of skeletal functions including the bones, muscles, and the nervous system. The therapist aims to improve strength, mobility, flexibility, endurance, coordination, balance and fitness. These professionals employ a variety of modalities (techniques) to bring back function, recover mobility and prevent or reduce permanent physical disabilities. The physical therapist evaluates an individual and takes into consideration their various body types, diverse patterns of movement, distinct alignments and dissimilar habits in planning a specific plan of care for each person.

Physical modalities utilized to help reduce pain and swelling includes heat, cold, water, ultrasound and electrical stimulation. Your physical therapist in conjunction with your doctor decides on the best treatments for your condition. In parallel to your physical modalities, an exercise program helps your overall function. Exercises may encompass stretching, walking, weight lifting, balance training, strengthening exercises and low-impact aerobic conditioning to name a few.

Psychological Counseling

Psychologist in the rehabilitation situation establish a relationship with patients suffering from body image alterations, depression, anger management, and post-traumatic stress disorder to name a few. Individuals encounter difficult times with their emotions when faced with major life changing illness.

Individuals in rehabilitation may encounter limited social participation due to their health conditions or physical disabilities. Altered health and disabilities can influence the numerous aspects of a person’s life. Psychologist provide therapeutic support, advocacy and collaborate with other members of the health team taking care of a patient.