About Us
We have a highly professional team specializing in sports trauma, orthopaedic and post-operative rehabilitation, back and neck pain, and spinal manipulation. We have been providing expert health care in for over 15 years.
Treatments are given under personal attention of qualified personals.
Latest hi-tech equipments / modalities available.
Friendly & co-operative staff.
Ancient & modern treatments under one roof.
Orthopedic rehabilitation.
Our motto for all to be painfree life & self dependent
Our slogan we care to keep you moving.
The orthocare centre team carries a wealth of experience and we pride ourselves on providing an outstanding level of service to our clients.
Photographs of team
What to expect
All our appointments are 30/45 minutes.
A thorough history of your pain or injury will be taken and then physical tests assessed to confirm a diagnosis. We aim that you will leave with a diagnosis, understanding of what is wrong and a plan of how we are going to treat your injury or pain and how long it will take.
Education on how to unload injured tissue or avoid aggravating activities/postures will ensure you play an active role in your recovery process and long term results. Home exercises are provided so your rehabilitation continues into your daily life after you leave the clinic.
Your exercises
Gym-exerciseyour physiotherapist may instruct you on some exercises for you to do after you sessions. To help you ensure that you do the exercises correctly, and remember what you need to do, we have a personalised program available online – 24 hours a day.
If you have been prescribed an exercise program then begin by logging in to your right.
If you have any questions or require support, you can contact:
Back-pain- call 9619949414
Around 80% of people will experience back pain at some stage in their life. For some chronic back pain can have a detrimental effect on their lifestyle. Back pain can often affect your ability to perform even the most simple daily tasks.
Numerous structures in your back can cause pain; muscles, nerves, ligaments, discs and bone could all contribute to your back pain, which is often experienced as a deep aching feeling in the lower back and is commonly exaggerated by movement or maintaining the same position for a prolonged period.
At [site_title] we strive to diagnose your injury, control your pain and facilitate a return to normal function as soon as is possible.
Acute back pain that occurs suddenly can be the result of trauma. This can be the result of any combination of bending, heavy lifting or twisting in a way that causes damage to the muscles, ligaments or joints of the back. Unfortunately acute back pain can also develop without any apparent cause and be just as painful.
Chronic back pain may also occur over a prolonged period of time as a result of repetitive motions (rsi) that put stress on the back. [site_title] will determine the cause of your pain and put measures in place in an attempt to prevent recurrences.
Common injuries
Muscle strain: a muscle strain can result from poor posture or lifting excessive loads, causing muscle fatigue and back pain.
Poor posture: poor posture can put unnecessary load on the various structures of the spine and result in back pain over time.
Disc bulge: discs act like shock absorbers to reduce stress on your spine and are situated between your bony vertebrae. Disc injuries are common. They can occur due to sudden movements or from long term postural stress, causing inflammation and pain, and in extreme cases can irritate nearby spinal nerves. This can cause radiating leg pain, pins and needles, and numbness (often mistakenly diagnosed as sciatica). [site_title] are experts in the treatment of lumbar disc injuries.
Facet joint sprain: each of your vertebrae are connected to the one above and below by two joints named facet joints which can be sprained, just like your ankle, if you move in an awkward way. As with a sprained ankle, if the facet joints become inflamed, you will experience back pain and limitation in movements.
Sciatica: the sciatic nerve runs from your lower back, down the back of your thigh and calf and into your foot. If compressed, the sciatic nerve can cause lower back pain which may radiate to the leg or buttock. It can also cause pins and needles, numbness, muscle spasms, reduced flexibility and weakness.
Neck pain call now 9819494941
Neck-achetoday’s modern living often entails hours of driving and hunching over workstations, which can play havoc with our necks. So it is no surprising that neck pain is one of the most common condition that our practitioners treat. Whilst neck pain is less common than low back pain, millions of people experience neck pain and related arm pain at some stage in their lives and therefore seek treatment.
Neck pain
Results from abnormalities in the soft tissues – muscles, ligaments, and nerves, as well as in the bone and the joints of the spine. The most common causes that we identify and treat are soft tissue abnormalities from injury or prolonged wear and tear and in many people it is also the source of pain in the upper back, shoulders and arms.
When neck pain is caused by muscle strain, you may have aches and stiffness that spread to the upper arm and forearm. Shooting pain that spread down the arm into the hand and fingers can be a symptom of a "pinched nerve” or nerve entrapment in the neck. When a nerve is "pinched” in the neck, numbness, weakness and possibly pain of the hands or arms may occur. Disc injuries are rare but it is the most common cause of nerve entrapments.
Injuries to the neck caused by a sudden movement of the head backwards and forwards or sideways, are referred to as "whiplash”. Whether from a car accident, sporting injury or an accident at work, whiplash or neck injuries warrant a thorough examination.
Whiplash is most commonly suffered as a result of a road traffic accident. An impact or collision causes the head to suddenly jerk back and forth beyond its normal limits.
Wear and tear, osteoarthritis or joint degeneration occurs due to the accumulation of stresses and trauma over time. Throughout life the spine is required to withstand considerable weight bearing strain, purely as a result of the pressures of daily living. The overall effects of degenerative changes of the spine, leads to a feeling of stiffness and reduced spinal mobility. However, just like any other part of the body, the better care that is taken of the spine, the less degeneration is likely to occur.
Shoulder pain – call now 9619949414
Shoulder-painpainful shoulder conditions that limit movement are very common, and are caused by injuries affecting the shoulder joint, muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage.
It is possible to do more movements with the arm than with any other part of the body. The arm is such a useful tool that it’s a pity that there are only two of them!
Since the nerves that supply the shoulder and arm originate from the neck and upper spine, conditions such as vertebral dysfunction commonly contribute to pain in the shoulder.
Our practitioners may be able to assist with the following shoulder conditions:
Frozen shoulder
Chronic shoulder pain and stiffness
Shoulder muscle spasm and tension
Arthritis of the shoulder
Diagnosis of shoulder pain
Rotator cuff disorders such as tears and strains
Impingement syndrome
Ac joint injury
In order to determine the cause of your pain, we will conduct a full physical, orthopaedic and neurological examination of the shoulder, cervical and thoracic spine. You may be asked to perform shoulder range of motion and muscle strength tests. Where the pain is felt, both at rest and during movement of the shoulder, provides important clues as to the cause of the shoulder pain. It may also be necessary to undergo specialized diagnostic tests such as xray, ultrasound and/or mri scans.
Signs of shoulder injury may include restriction in the movements of the shoulder.
Treatment of shoulder pain
Regardless of the cause, treatment of the shoulder area requires an experienced practitioner who can test the movements and structures of the shoulder and come to an accurate diagnosis of the problem. The initial objective of all shoulder injuries is to relieve pain and inflammation.
Knee injuries call now 9819494941
Clinic-nl-knee-pain-dec-2015knee pain or knee injuries are extremely common, and there are many causes. The Knee needs to function properly to provide flexible mobility while bearing Considerable weight. While walking down the street, our knees bear three to five Times our body weight. Many jobs, sports and recreation activities, getting Older, or having a disease such as osteoporosis or arthritis increase the Chances of having a knee problem. Sudden (acute) injuries may be caused by a direct blow to the knee or from Abnormal twisting, bending the knee or falling on the knee. Overuse injuries Occur with repetitive activities or repeated or prolonged pressure on the knee. Activities such as stair climbing, bicycle riding, jogging, or jumping stress Joints and other tissues and can lead to irritation and inflammation. It is important to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your knee pain or Injury so that appropriate treatment can be directed at the cause. Your Physiotherapist will discuss the injury with you and estimate the time it will Take to recover. Physiotherapy treatment for patients with this condition is Vital to hasten the healing process, ensure an optimal outcome and reduce the Likelihood of injury recurrence. Treatment may comprise:
*as soon as possible, and for 72 hours after injury, use the rice method:
O rest -take it easy and only move within your limit of pain.
O ice -as soon as possible, and for 20 minutes every two hours, apply ice or a Frozen gel pack wrapped in a damp towel. This helps to control bleeding and pain And reduces secondary tissue damage.
O compression -firmly bandage the knee and include 5 cm above and below the Joint. This helps to control swelling. O elevation -as much as possible, elevate your leg higher than the level of your Heart to reduce swelling.
joint mobilisation
electrotherapy (e.G. Ultrasound)
soft tissue massage
the use of an appropriate brace
activity modification advice
biomechanical correction
exercises to improve strength, balance, flexibility, and fitness
muscle-strengthening program
a gradual return to activity plan
correct footwear advice
Research findings have modified modern physiotherapy treatment approaches to Knee pain. Together with a thorough knee and lower limb assessment, your knee Treatment can progress quickly to get you pain-free and performing your normal Sport or daily activities in the shortest time possible.
Posture and physiotherapy
Clinic-nl-posture_webposture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or lying down. Good posture is the correct alignment of body parts supported by the right amount of muscle tension against gravity. Without posture and the muscles that control it, we would simply fall to the ground. Normally, we do not consciously maintain normal posture. Instead, certain muscles do it for us, and we don’t even have to think about it.
Good posture helps us stand, walk, sit, and lie in positions that place the least strain on supporting muscles and ligaments during movement and weight-bearing activities.
Correct posture:
helps us keep bones and joints in correct alignment so that our muscles are used correctly, decreasing the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces that could result in degenerative arthritis and joint pain.
reduces the stress on the ligaments holding the spinal joints together, minimizing the likelihood of injury.
allows muscles to work more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy and, therefore, preventing muscle fatigue.
helps prevent muscle strain, overuse disorders, and even back and muscular pain. .
Most postures can be sustained for a short time however certain sitting or standing postures can place increased pressures on discs. Prolonged periods in these postures can cause adaptive shortening of various tissues. This may be associated with musculoskeletal discomfort and dysfunction in some people. Physiotherapists are trained in the assessment of posture and ergonomics and can assist in managing postural problems.
Role of physiotherapy
Muscle tightness, resulting from prolonged postures and associated pre-existing characteristics, can lead to changes in pressure distribution over joint surfaces and may lead to degeneration. Poor prolonged posture will also result in weakening of postural muscles making it increasingly difficult to attain better posture.
A physiotherapist can help and will begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the patient’s posture. This can include:
detailed postural observation
muscle length, strength and muscle control testing
full joint assessment
evaluation of functional tasks
Benefits of physiotherapy
Physiotherapists may use pressure biofeedback units or real time ultrasound to assess and facilitate the function of these muscles. This method can be successful in treating posture-related neck and back pain. Other useful physiotherapy techniques include postural taping and education on postural awareness at work, home and during recreation. Physiotherapists will also use hands on techniques to treat joint problems by specific joint mobilisation and manipulation.
Physiotherapists can visit worksites to assess the patient’s working posture and physical demands of the job and to provide advice and modifications where necessary. By seeking the advice and treatment of physiotherapists in the management of postural conditions, patients can experience significant improvements in their pain and functional capacity and prevent recurrence of the problem.
To maintain proper posture, you need to have adequate muscle flexibility and strength, normal joint motion in the spine and other body regions, as well as efficient postural muscles that are balanced on both sides of the spine. In addition, you must recognize your postural habits at home and in the workplace and work to correct them, if necessary. By putting this knowledge into practice you can prevent the anatomical changes that can develop if poor posture is left uncorrected.
Hamstring strains call now 9819494941
Clinic-nl-hamstring-injury-webhamstring strains happen when any of your hamstrings muscles or its tendons is Stretched beyond what it can withstand or torn when substantial stretching of The muscle occurs. Hamstring strains are fairly common in sports activities Requiring the athlete to forcefully run or jump. A hamstring strain is also Called a pulled hamstring or hamstring tear.
An inflamed hamstring tendon is called hamstring tendonitis. Your hamstrings or Hamstring muscles are located at the back of your thigh. You have three Hamstring muscles. Together, they help bend your knees as you lie face-down; Lift your foot toward your back (without bending your hip); and help you walk Normally. Causes of hamstring strains Hamstring strain occurs when any of your hamstrings or its tendon is Overstretched, overused, or overexerted during a sports or recreational activity Such as sprinting, kicking or jumping. Exercising improperly, such as increasing The duration or intensity of your workout too much or too soon, may also lead to Hamstring strains.
Physiotherapy treatment options for hamstring strains Depending on the severity of your hamstring strain, you may be receiving a Combination of the following;
recommend rest
ice and or heat application
recommend crutches / crutch walking training
gentle range of motion exercises
gentle stretching (manual or active)
progressive strengthening exercises
work or sports-related strengthening program
patient education
about your condition
precautions to observe
activity or work modification
injury prevention
rehabilitation program
With appropriate management, patients with minor hamstring strains can usually Recover in one to three weeks. With larger tears, recovery may take four to six Weeks or longer depending on the severity. In cases of a complete rupture of the Hamstring muscle, surgery may be considered with intensive rehabilitation to Follow. Return to sport or activity may then take 6 months or longer.
Acupuncturecall now 9819494941
Doctor putting acupuncture needles in patient's Acupuncture is effective in a wide range of painful conditions and is commonly used to treat musculoskeletal pain e.G. Back, shoulder, neck and leg pain. It has also been successfully used to treat headaches, migraines, trapped nerves, chronic muscle strains and various kinds of rheumatic and arthritic pain.
How does it work?
Acupuncture stimulates the nerves in skin and muscle, and can produce a variety of effects. We know that it increases the body’s release of natural painkillers – endorphin and serotonin – in the pain pathways of both the spinal cord and the brain. This modifies the way pain signals are received.
But acupuncture does much more than reduce pain, and has a beneficial effect on health. Patients often notice an improved sense of wellbeing after treatment.
Modern research shows that acupuncture can affect most of the body’s systems – the nervous system, muscle tone, hormone outputs, circulation, antibody production and allergic responses, as well as the respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems.
What is involved in having acupuncture?
Every patient will be assessed by a chartered physiotherapist and a specific medical diagnosis will be given. Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into various points in the body depending on the condition being treated. This is usually painless. The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the problem. Occasionally manual or low voltage electrical stimulation is applied to assist the process. The number of needles varies but may only be two or three. Acupuncture may be used in conjunction with other treatment techniques such as manual therapy and therapeutic exercise.
Musculoskeletal physiotherapy call now 9619949414
Physiotherapists are experts in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of injuries and physical conditions.
They look at the entire person with the aim of alleviating pain, restoring normal movement and providing long term solutions to musculoskeletal problems. We take a detailed look at your history and look at your body as a whole. Your painful area is invariably the area that is compensating for a dysfunction elsewhere in your body. Utilising this approach we get long term results and prevent the regular recurrences that plague many patients.
Please note that you may be required to undress sufficiently for your physiotherapist to properly assess the area. Furthermore it is often necessary to assess areas surrounding the primary source of a complaint. Please wear or bring along suitable clothing to assist in this matter.
Following your assessment an explanation of your problem will be given. Your treatment options and a treatment plan will then be discussed with you and agreed. Your treatment will then commence on your initial appointment. Should physiotherapy be inappropriate or your physiotherapist feel further investigation is required they will inform you of the best course of action and if necessary arrange onward referral. The clinic has a strong emphasis towards manual therapy and hands on treatment, coupled with movement analysis. This is combined with structured exercises and practical advice.
We also use a range of other treatment modalities including:
Shockwave therapycall now 9819494941
Accelerate healing with shockwave therapy
A shockwave is an intense, but very short energy wave traveling faster than the speed ofsound. The basic technology involved with Extracorporeal shockwave technology has been used for decades on millions of people. Therapy sessions are short, usually 20 – 30 Minutes in length, and provide successful relief of chronic pain and restores obility painlessly. Permanent relief typically begins about 72 Hours following treatment.
There are no side effects with this non surgical treatment. Shockwave treatments are non invasive and promote accelerated recovery of injured soft tissue, bone, heel and joint pain.
Treatable conditions:
plantar fasciitis
achilles tendinopathy
scar tissue treatment
tennis elbow
jumpers knee
stress fractures
non healing ulcers
calcific rotator cuff tendinitis
non surgical treatment
no side effects
accelerates healing